HSM integration - entropy augmentation
Seal Wrap handles the root key wrapping, automatic unsealing and seal wrapping functionalities provided by integrating Vault with a Hardware Security Module (HSM).
Enterprise Only
This tutorial focuses on the Entropy Augmentation feature which requires Vault Enterprise Plus license.
Critical to any cryptographic system is its entropy, the randomness of the pseudorandom number generator (or PRNG) used for generating random numbers used in cryptographic operations such as key creation and encryption.
In Vault, random number generation occurs at the operating system level and varies depending on where Vault is running (Linux, Windows, BSD, or WebAssembly). These different PRNGs use different underlying sources of entropy; therefore, different levels of randomness when generating random numbers.
If an organization must conform to entropy requirements which are often dictated by standards such as FIPS 140-2, the Vault Enterprise admins have no control over how the OS generates random numbers.
Vault Enterprise version 1.3 introduced the Entropy Augmentation function to leverage an external Hardware Security Module (HSM) for augmenting system entropy via the PKCS#11 protocol.

With Entropy Augmentation enabled, the following keys and tokens leverage the configured external entropy source.
Operation | Description |
Root Key | AES key that is encrypted by the seal mechanism. This encrypts the key ring. |
Key Ring Encryption Keys | The keys embedded in Vault's keyring which encrypt all of Vault's storage. |
Recovery Key | With auto-unseal, use the recovery keys to regenerate root token, key rotation, etc. |
TLS Private Keys | For HA leader, Raft and Enterprise Replications. |
MFA TOTP Keys | The keys used for TOTP in Vault Enterprise MFA |
JWT Signing Keys | The keys used to sign wrapping token JWTs. |
Root Tokens | Superuser tokens granting access to all operations in Vault. |
DR Operation Tokens | Token that allows certain actions to be performed on a DR secondary. |
The transit secrets engine manages a number of different key types and
leverages the
package to generate keys. It will use the external entropy source for key
This intermediate operations tutorial assumes that you have:
- A supported HSM cluster to be integrated with Vault
- Vault Enterprise version 1.3 or later
Step 1: Configure HSM Integration
When a Vault server is started, it normally starts in a sealed state where a quorum of existing unseal keys is required to unseal it. By integrating Vault with HSM, your Vault server can be automatically unsealed by the trusted HSM key provider.
To enable Entropy Augmentation, define the
stanza in your server configuration file. Since Vault will delegate the random number generation to an HSM, be sure to set theseal
stanza with your HSM cluster connection information.Example:
# Add the entropy stanza entropy "seal" { mode = "augmentation" } # This example uses AWS CloudHSM cluster connection information seal "pkcs11" { lib = "/opt/cloudhsm/lib/libcloudhsm_pkcs11.so" slot = "1" pin = "vault:Password1" key_label = "hsm_demo" hmac_key_label = "hsm_hmac_demo" generate_key = "true" } # Configure the storage backend for Vault storage "consul" { address = "" path = "vault/" } # Addresses and ports on which Vault will respond to requests listener "tcp" { address = "" tls_disable = "true" } ui = true
Although the listener stanza disables TLS for this tutorial, Vault should always be used with TLS in production to provide secure communication between clients and the Vault server. It requires a certificate file and key file on each Vault host.
If you are using systemd, the
parameter should point to the correct location of your configuration file. For example, if your configuration file is located at/etc/vault.d/config-hsm.hcl
, thevault.service
file may look as follow.Example:
[Unit] Description="HashiCorp Vault - A tool for managing secrets" Documentation=https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/ Requires=network-online.target After=network-online.target ConditionFileNotEmpty=/etc/vault.d/vault.hcl StartLimitIntervalSec=60 StartLimitBurst=3 [Service] User=vault Group=vault ProtectSystem=full ProtectHome=read-only PrivateTmp=yes PrivateDevices=yes SecureBits=keep-caps AmbientCapabilities=CAP_IPC_LOCK Capabilities=CAP_IPC_LOCK+ep CapabilityBoundingSet=CAP_SYSLOG CAP_IPC_LOCK NoNewPrivileges=yes ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/vault server -config=/etc/vault.d/config-hsm.hcl ExecReload=/bin/kill --signal HUP $MAINPID KillMode=process KillSignal=SIGINT Restart=on-failure RestartSec=5 TimeoutStopSec=30 StartLimitInterval=60 StartLimitIntervalSec=60 StartLimitBurst=3 LimitNOFILE=65536 LimitMEMLOCK=infinity [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
Start the Vault server.
To start the Vault server from the command line, execute the following command.
$ vault server -config=/etc/vault.d/config-hsm.hcl
Else if starting the Vault server as a service, first enable the
service.$ sudo systemctl enable vault
Use the
to start the Vault server as a service.$ sudo systemctl start vault
Set the VAULT_ADDR environment variable.
$ export VAULT_ADDR=""
Initialize the Vault server.
$ vault operator init Recovery Key 1: iz1XWxe4CM+wrOGqRCx8ex8kB2XvGJEdfjhXFC+MA6Rc Recovery Key 2: rKZETr6IAy686IxfO3ZBKXPDAOkkwkpSepIME+bjeUT7 Recovery Key 3: 4XA/KJqFOm+jzbBkKQuRVePEYPrQe3H3TmFVmdlUjRFv Recovery Key 4: lfnaYoZufP0uhooO3mHDAKGNZB5HLP9HYYb+LAfKkUmd Recovery Key 5: L169hHj3DMpphGsOnS8TEz3Febvdx3vsG3Xr8kGWdUtW Initial Root Token: s.AWnDagUkKNNbvkENiL72wysn Success! Vault is initialized Recovery key initialized with 5 key shares and a key threshold of 3. Please securely distribute the key shares printed above.
When Vault is initialized while using an HSM, rather than unseal keys being returned to the operator, recovery keys are returned. These are generated from an internal recovery key that is split via Shamir's Secret Sharing, similar to Vault's treatment of unseal keys when running without an HSM. Some Vault operations such as generation of a root token require these recovery keys.
Check to verify that the Vault server is now initialized and auto-unsealed.
$ vault status Key Value --- ----- Recovery Seal Type shamir Initialized true Sealed false Total Recovery Shares 1 Threshold 1 Version 1.3.0-ent.hsm Cluster Name vault-cluster-a9b467a6 Cluster ID fb6aa58b-9cba-c6fd-e2e8-96854fe9573a HA Enabled false
Login to the Vault using the generated root token.
$ vault login Token (will be hidden):
Step 2: Enable Entropy Augmentation
To leverage the external entropy source, set the external_entropy_access
parameter to true
when you enable a secrets engine or auth method.
In this step, you are going to enable external entropy source on a transit secrets engine.
Execute the following command to enable
secrets engine with external entropy source using the-external-entropy-access
flag.$ vault secrets enable -external-entropy-access transit
List the enabled secrets engine with
flag.$ vault secrets list -detailed Path Plugin Accessor ... External Entropy Access ... ---- ------ -------- ... ----------------------- ... cubbyhole/ cubbyhole cubbyhole_a4084622 ... false ... identity/ identity identity_b5738cb7 ... false ... sys/ system system_a8b3552e ... false ... transit/ transit transit_88cd3066 ... true ...
Notice that the External Entropy Access is set to
.You can start using the
secrets engine to encrypt your sensitive data which leverages the HSM as its external entropy source. Regardless, the user experience remains the same as before.Example:
Create a new encryption key named, "orders".
$ vault write -f transit/keys/orders
Send a base64-encoded string to be encrypted by Vault.
$ vault write transit/encrypt/orders \ plaintext=$(base64 <<< "4111 1111 1111 1111") Key Value --- ----- ciphertext vault:v1:AY3ZF2bwGfwZ9dJLSztCLdpPUHkfl/kwaQeRITvKgn74bGYyMI+n34w1CMO8aeg=
Now, test to verify that you can decrypt.
$ vault write transit/decrypt/orders \ ciphertext="vault:v1:AY3ZF2bwGfwZ9dJLSztCLdpPUHkfl/kwaQeRITvKgn74bGYyMI+n34w1CMO8aeg="
Decode to get the original data.
$ base64 --decode <<< Y3JlZGl0LWNhcmQtbnVtYmVyCg== 4111 1111 1111 1111
Important Note
When the external entropy access is enabled, the connectivity to the HSM is
required. If the HSM becomes unreachable for any reason, the transit
engine will fail to generate new keys or rotate the existing keys.
Error writing data to transit/encrypt/orders: Error making API request.
Code: 400. Errors:
* error performing token check: failed to read entry: error initializing session
for decryption: error logging in to HSM: pkcs11: 0xE0: CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT